Parabolis Virtualis 3

For the third installment of the poetry anthology series Parabolis Virtualis 3, which launched in 2023 September, Kameron Locke was invited to reflect on his life, thoughts, and aspects of his identity as a gay, Black man.
Parabolis Virtualis: New, queer poetry (3 books) Edition of tapa blanda Contemporary queer poetry is multi-voiced, courageous and diverse. He points out grievances, articulates the realities of life and shows himself to be in love with life. He uses poetry as a medium for the queer project, a poetic endeavor that is always in negotiation. Nevertheless, there are still too few resonance spaces that show their creative diversity. Parabolis Virtualis wants to change that - and will present a selection of new, queer poetry every year from autumn 2021. With a mix of familiar voices and new discoveries, Parabolis Virtualis as a series aims to ask the question again and again: What is queer poetry now? In order to then always find new answers. An open call accompanies the volume and thus opens up space for new authors.
Editors: Noah Anderson & Kevin Junk Authors: Savanna Morgan, Tessa Hart, Nele Müller, Lisa Tracy Michalik, Jena Samura, Chantal-Fleur Sandjon, Erica Badu, Mo Seugue Njofang, Kameron Locke, Stefanie-Lahya Aukongo und Melanelle B. C. Hémêfa. Publisher: Querverlag *Note: Language: German | Publication date: 11th September 2023

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